
May Post

Reflection: Presenting my project last week marked the end of this year's Signature project and I am very proud of what I have accomplished. I was able to finish a database, analyze, research on psychological reasons, and interview 2 companies that engaged in CSR (corporate social responsibility) in Hong Kong. Most of all, I love presenting to the public and sharing to them my work. It was very insightful for me to see what questions the audience have. Some of the challenges I encountered this year were planning out my project and data collecting. Initially, I wanted to focus on US companies. However, US companies' data are very difficult to find as they are not required to publicize these information. Hence, I had to switch back to Hong Kong companies and add different components to it, mainly qualitative analysis, such as the psychology piece and interviews. Another challenge was data collecting. It was very time consuming as I had to search each company one by one indivi...

April 1st Post

Microsoft HK Interview: How to encourage philanthropy: 1) Corporate: CSR: Sustainability report , pressure 2) Company: CSV, indirect help, connection 3) NGO: CSV, awareness 4) Government: ecosystem, CSR affect economy 5) Public: Aware, volunteer, heart to serve Microsoft Youth Spark: 400 underserved -computer training, technology -Hong Kong is very behind in tech -help autism children, special awareness -win-win Suicide Projects -track social media activity -prevent, analyze, show posts that are positive, decrease anxiety -collect data, find trends -win-win Breadth Impact: Cloud Donation -help NGO -donate Cloud -ngo: China facial recognition, finding lost people -app, reduce time and money, expand, do great things -win-win

March 2nd Post

As mentioned in my last couple of blog posts, I have been working on scheduling two interviews with two companies - Microsoft Hong Kong and CK Hutchison. I was able to talk to them over spring break in Hong Kong and below are my summary of our talks! CK Hutchison  -a huge company - 57 countries, 6 businesses, 300000 employees -Why do they engage in social responsibility activities? -They are a listed company and all listed companies have stakeholders and shareholders. They have to please the stakeholders and ensure a growing company that is stable and has no risks. -It is a win win situation: you help the business and you feel good How do you help the business? -Usually the activity is part of the business, what they are already doing example) HK Grocery Waste Park n Shop is a huge chain supermarket in Hong Kong, and CK Hutchison has been working with them for a long time, especially about dealing with waste. They created this project where their food waste would go to fo...

April 2nd Post

As the presentation day is coming up, I have been trying to wrap up my project. My project is separated into two parts - qualitative and quantitative analysis. For the first semester, I mainly focused on quantitative which is creating a data set that includes top Hong Kong listed companies' donation amount by year, industry, and percent of profit. I then analyzed these data and made some conclusions. I also met up with a professional in the statistic field to help me with the excel analyzation. For qualitative analysis, I conducted two interviews with 2 companies in Hong Kong that are key donors and leading philanthropists. They each have engaged in many business projects that bring value to the community yet they are also business strategies for the company. It is a win-win situation. I talked with them to get an insight of their projects and ideas to encourage other companies to do the same. I also added a psychology piece that explains different theories behind altruism. It wa...

March 1st Post

I am writing up the questions to ask when interviewing. Below is the list of questions that I came up with. I can't wait to hear their answers! Tell me a little bit of the ongoing or past projects that have been successful or made an impact in the community What is the company’s goal or intention when engaging in these projects Do you think it is the company’s image, public image of the company that drives these projects more or is it the heart to serve Do you think these influential projects have made a difference in the workplace in terms of cohesion among staff, higher satisfaction with the company, a community within the organization How do you think you can encourage other leaders to do the same, to Foster change What is hindering them from donating How can you balance ,shift this profit maximization culture to be more committed to helping the community How do you decide what sector to help What are some challenges you face How do you find these partners, do you ...

Feb 2nd Post

After reaching out to a few business leaders, I successfully set up 2 interviews for spring break when I am in Hong Kong. One is with Microsoft Hong Kong, and the other one is with CK Hutchison. Both of them demonstrated excellence in corporate philanthropy. I did some brief research on their projects: Microsoft: Microsoft will be donating over US$1 billion in cloud services to 70,000 NGOs around the world in the next three years. Additionally, Microsoft Hong Kong will provide more comprehensive services to local NGOs. There are also many other programs such as YouthSpark and GirlSpark. CK Hutchison: From Heart of Gold Hong Kong Hospice Service Programme that raised  HK$126 million, to donating audio books to people with disabilities, to investing in many universities and technology developments, just to name a few. I am very thankful for these opportunities to find out more, particularly interested in knowing what motivates the company’s decision to donate and how success...

Feb 1st Post

I am pretty much done with the quantitative analysis. I am heading towards qualitative analysis which includes 2 parts: a psychology piece and  an interview with a business leader to find out why people donate and how to encourage this behavior in the community. I am in the process of writing up the psychology piece which will be published in the social enterprise website later on. This piece includes different factors that contribute to altruism, such as the social exchange theory. I also met with Ms Bendall to discuss this topic more in depth. For the interview piece, I am in the midst of contacting potential business leaders. I am reaching out through my parents' connections. My goal is to find at least one person to interview over spring break in Hong Kong. Below is a letter that I wrote and sent to a manager in Microsoft Hong Kong in hopes to get an interview: Dear: Hope this email finds you well. My name is Joycelyn Yip, and I am a Grade 12 high school student who is ...