May Post
Reflection: Presenting my project last week marked the end of this year's Signature project and I am very proud of what I have accomplished. I was able to finish a database, analyze, research on psychological reasons, and interview 2 companies that engaged in CSR (corporate social responsibility) in Hong Kong. Most of all, I love presenting to the public and sharing to them my work. It was very insightful for me to see what questions the audience have. Some of the challenges I encountered this year were planning out my project and data collecting. Initially, I wanted to focus on US companies. However, US companies' data are very difficult to find as they are not required to publicize these information. Hence, I had to switch back to Hong Kong companies and add different components to it, mainly qualitative analysis, such as the psychology piece and interviews. Another challenge was data collecting. It was very time consuming as I had to search each company one by one indivi...